Children's Ministry

Services Times

Sunday - 10 AM Sunday School, 11 AM Worship Service, 6 pm Evening Service | Wednesday - 6:30 PM Bible Study


Ages: Infants through 1 year olds

Children up to 1 year old are part of our nursery. Here they will begin their journey through age specific classes as they progress through their formative years. We provide a warm loving environment where your child will feel comfortable and you will feel safe about leaving them while you attend a worship service. Our nursery department is a ministry, not just childcare and we believe that children at even the earliest ages can begin to learn about and understand God’s love.

         Sandy Glor                Kim Smitherman         Gina Augustine

Vanessa Sprauge      Kylie Henson            Becky Stokes           Sandy Acker            Amy Gronniger


Two & Three Year Olds

Teacher: Shawna Moriarty

Hello, my name is Shawna Moriarty.  I’ve attended New Hope Baptist Church for 41 years now.  I was saved and baptized in June of 1987, ever since then God has been tugging on my heart strings to spread his word.  Of course, as a child I wasn’t quite sure how, until I was around 19 years old directing the children’s Christmas program.  From the Christmas program a group of us young ladies and moms whom all have attended New Hope since we were infants, to start up a children’s ministry.  Later, around 2001 would be named Future Hope Kids Program, with Psalm 78:7 as our theme bible verse.   We started with a handful of kids and now it has grown to 25 to 30 children to teens on Wednesday nights.  

           Along with my husband Justin Moriarty we’re involved in lead singing for our children’s Sunday school classes on Sunday mornings, Sunday school teacher for 3 to 6 year old’s, fill in for Children’s church teaching during 11 o’clock services, Wednesday night Future Hope Kids Program teaching for 3 to 7 year old, VBS teachers for 5-7 year old and help direct in Christmas program.  Justin will also at times drive the church van to pick up kiddos who may need a ride to church.  As you can see we really enjoy working with the kids and desire for them to know Christ.  As one of my Sunday school teacher’s explained “someday we’ll all meet in heaven and have a GREAT BIG PARTY!!!  We’re excited to share Christ with children and their families!!  Each child is so special to us here at New Hope!  

Thank you for taking the time to get to know our church family at New Hope Baptist Church.  

Justin and Shawna Moriarty 


Ages: 4 & 5 year olds

Teacher: Sandy Glor

Updates coming soon!


Grades: 1st - 3rd

Teacher: Beckey Stokes

Hello!  My name is Becky Stokes and I am honored to teach the Primary Sunday School class at New Hope Baptist Church, which consists of grades 1 through 3.  All children grades 6 and under meet at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday in the fellowship hall as a group to lift our voices in praise to the Lord Jesus Christ--many songs having motions.  Our kids are full of energy and are ready to express their love for the Lord in this way.

After a few minutes of singing, we dismiss to age appropriate classes.  Our curriculum, published by Regular Baptist Press, includes attendance charts and stickers, visuals, and student books.  

Lessons come from the Holy Bible, KJV and cover Old and New Testaments.  The lessons lay a solid foundation of God's Word with lessons ranging from creation, Abraham, Moses, King David, birth of Christ, the life of Jesus, crucifixion of our Lord and His resurrection, acts of apostles, etc.

We extend a warm welcome to your children and hope to see you and your family at our Sunday School program.  We at New Hope refer to the Sunday School hour as the most important and valuable hour of the week, followed by the other equally important hour, the worship hour.


Grades: 4th - 6th

Teacher Sandy Acker

Updates coming soon!

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