
Services Times

Sunday - 10 AM Sunday School, 11 AM Worship Service, 6 pm Evening Service | Wednesday - 6:30 PM Bible Study

New Hope Baptist Church Leadership

New Hope Baptist Church is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will. Following are brief bio's of our leadership team.

Robert Baker


Pastor Baker was appointed to serve as New Hope Baptist Church's Senior Pastor in 2020.

The attributes that best describe "Bob" as a pastor are strong preaching, leadership development and counseling. He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like New Hope Baptist Church where Biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. Pastor Baker takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending the first hours of his day focused on Bible study.

Upon surrendering to preach in 1969, pastor Baker was blessed with the opportunity to complete his theological and minieterial studies in college and seminary.

Bob and his wife Donna have been happily married for over 55 years. They have two children, Michael Baker and Melissa Slusser, along with four beautiful grandchildren.

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Pastor Baker was appointed to serve as New Hope Baptist Church's Senior Pastor in 2020.

The attributes that best describe "Bob" as a pastor are strong preaching, leadership development and counseling. He has expressed a burning desire to lead a church like New Hope Baptist Church where Biblical views are embraced and encouraged, with members who care about the needs of those around them and who want to connect others to the body of Christ. Pastor Baker takes worship and preaching very seriously, spending the first hours of his day focused on Bible study.

Upon surrendering to preach in 1969, pastor Baker was blessed with the opportunity to complete his theological and minieterial studies in college and seminary.

Bob and his wife Donna have been happily married for over 55 years. They have two children, Michael Baker and Melissa Slusser, along with four beautiful grandchildren.

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Lennon Ellis

Associate Pastor

Lennon was voted as Associate on May 1st 2022.

Lennon graduated from Mission University in Springfield, MO where he studied Pastoral Ministry with a minor in Missions. Lennon began as an intern at New Hope in February 2021 and served as a Youth leader alongside Matt Stokes, while also serving as a teacher in junior church. Lennon has a passion for seeing people who have had "church hurt" be reconciled with and shown that God loves them. 

Lennon got saved in 2014 at Sagmount Youth Camp in Joplin, MO and that following year he felt God call him to full time ministry and he accepted that call. 

Lennon met his wife Emilee at New Hope and they now both faithful serve in their own areas at the church. 

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Lennon was voted as Associate on May 1st 2022.

Lennon graduated from Mission University in Springfield, MO where he studied Pastoral Ministry with a minor in Missions. Lennon began as an intern at New Hope in February 2021 and served as a Youth leader alongside Matt Stokes, while also serving as a teacher in junior church. Lennon has a passion for seeing people who have had "church hurt" be reconciled with and shown that God loves them. 

Lennon got saved in 2014 at Sagmount Youth Camp in Joplin, MO and that following year he felt God call him to full time ministry and he accepted that call. 

Lennon met his wife Emilee at New Hope and they now both faithful serve in their own areas at the church. 

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Matt and Amy Stokes

Youth Director

Matt and his wife Amy have been serving in the Youth Ministry of New Hope Baptist Church since 2008.

The attributes that best describe Matt as a youth minister are impactful teaching, leadership development and relationship building. He has demonstrated a burning desire to be a servant here at New Hope Baptist Church and help our youth find a deep, meaningful relationship with God and connect with other teens and pre-teens in the body of Christ. 

Along with ministrering to the youth alongside Matt, Amy faithfully serves in our worship ministry and works tirelssly to provide leadership and direction while helping to guide our congregation in Biblically based music and singing.

Matt and Amy have been happily married since 2004 and have three daughters: Hailey, Brinley, and Summer Ann!

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Matt and his wife Amy have been serving in the Youth Ministry of New Hope Baptist Church since 2008.

The attributes that best describe Matt as a youth minister are impactful teaching, leadership development and relationship building. He has demonstrated a burning desire to be a servant here at New Hope Baptist Church and help our youth find a deep, meaningful relationship with God and connect with other teens and pre-teens in the body of Christ. 

Along with ministrering to the youth alongside Matt, Amy faithfully serves in our worship ministry and works tirelssly to provide leadership and direction while helping to guide our congregation in Biblically based music and singing.

Matt and Amy have been happily married since 2004 and have three daughters: Hailey, Brinley, and Summer Ann!

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